Case Study-Custom LED Scoreboard

How to Help Customer to Realize LED Scoreboard Retrofit
1. Context From our USA customer below: This customer would like to keep the steel structure of their existing scoreboard and replace the guts due to permitting issues. The track is by an airport that is preventing them from getting a permit for a new scoreboard.
2. Challenge: The customer didn’t have detailed structure diagrams but only can measure the existing bulb size.

Case Study-How to make a good LED Wall for Convert Hall?

Case Study-Indoor Video Wall for Famous High School Convert Hall (VS1920x3456-1R1G1B-2.5-ISF) 1. Context  The customer, from one famous high school in southeast coastal city, asked for one LED video wall at the back of the stage in the convert hall. The LED video display size: H4.8m x W8.64m=41.472m2, pitch 2.5mm Purpose: It is used to …

Case Study-How to make a good LED Wall for Convert Hall? Read More »

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